Transformed a valve manufacturer's largest customer line to support current takt time along with anticipated 5 year growth plan by designing and implementing cellular manufacturing and one tray flow in 6 months and implementing in under 12 months.

Transformed a medical device manufacturer in one VSM and three consecutive 5 day kaizen events in 3 months time. First provided VSM's for all major product lines. Then Applied a Finished Goods strategy to achieve a repeatable 8 week lead-time (investment was only $18k), level loading the factory and providing 100% customer satisfaction to the largest customer. Then applied a pull system to reduce lead-time from customer order to production start, from 34 to 6 days. Finalized with a full factory pull system linking finished goods back to metal stamping, thereby extending the 8 week lead-time to all products and all customers.

Transformed a gear manufacturer's cleaning, quality and packaging areas to improve to 100% on time delivery for all yellow and red customers.

Implemented a pull system for drum rotor engine components across two traditional business units that reduced inventory and lead-time by 60%.

Implemented a fully worker empowered work cell in a heat treat service area reducing lead-time from 3.5 weeks to 3 days in a single 5 day kaizen event.

Designed and Implemented an incoming inspection area with a FIFO and EPEI flow sequence that supported all customer takt times in a single kaizen event.

Solved a complex strain gage failure problem on a development jet engine program in under 30 days by applying event tree methodology with a cross-company, cross-functional team.

Implemented a mixed model production line that pulses to takt time (enabled with a rolling fixture co-designed with an ergonomic handling device company) for a large scale aerospace product improving productivity by 25%, On-time delivery performance by 50% and reducing inventory by 40%.